The Grain Fields

The Grain Fields is a “well-paced, complex and layered,” story about a young writer who travels to Europe to uncover and write his grandfather’s story from the Second World War.


A recent history graduate, Michael takes off to Sicily, on a whim, to research and write his WWII masterpiece. But upon arrival, he finds himself skirting the real story and the real reason why he is there – to trace and tell the story of his Ukrainian grandfather who fled with his family from Ukraine and fought for the Germans during the Second World War..

The Grain Fields is inspired by the hundreds of conversations, interviews and trips overseas, author, Michael Wilms shared with his grandfather. With this generation all but gone, The Grain Fields captures one of the last voices of the time period and tells a story not often told. Stories from the German past are often swept under the rug and avoided – thought too painful – Michael Wilms pulls back the carpet to examine the generations’ hardships. At its core, The Grain Fields is a beautiful coming of age story about the complexities of relationships and the strong bond shared between grandfather and grandson.

“I couldn’t put this book down. It was really good. Multi-layered, complex, honest. Better than Eat, Pray, Love.”

Gabriele Goldstone, Winnipeg Author.